Let your audience know what is there for them. People comes for their benefit; not for ours. Craft your landing page putting your leg in their shoes to understand their needs.
Let them know your mission, vision, backstory to create the credibility.
Tell them clearly why your products or services are unique or different from others. What will be the end result look like.
A short video introduction works 10 times more than a simple text. Use a clean and to the point intro video to attract more audience.
Never send your customer to elsewhere from your landing page. Have a single focus direction only.
Influence your customer psychology to take the action by implementing urgency technique.
Nothing converts with out a call to action. You need to direct your prospect what you want them to do in your business.
Play around your prospect’s mind subtly with more testimonials, success stories and create a fear of missing out(FOMO)
An attention grabbing headline acts as a strong hook to catch your website visitor’s interest. And drags them to your product or service.
A sub head line enhances the purpose of attention grabbing headline and hero introduction.
Kill the objections from your prospect’s mind and get them a clear idea or roadmap for the transformation.
A sub head line enhances the purpose of attention grabbing headline and hero introduction.
Success stories and testimonials are essentials to build trust and credibility. Use them wisely.
Build an emotional connection with words and video that resonate your target audience with your product.
Too much flashy elements destructs customer’s attention. Give them to the point direction with easy navigation.
More question and answers helps to clear the confusion in your customer’s mind. And confused mind never buys. Kill confusions as much as possible.